The Great Armoury in Gdansk


This great example of Dutch design astonishes even 400 years after its creation. Designed by the Flemish architect Anthonis van Obberhen as a city arsenal. Most of the stonework was made by another Flemish artist – Abraham van den Block. The building was badly damaged during WW2 but has now been renovated to show its former beauty. There is an interesting well located in front of the Great Armoury. There was no water in it at all, since it has another military function which I will tell you about during our trip. These days the Great Armoury belongs to the Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts and visiting inside is only possible during art exhibitions which are organised from time to time by the Academy.


The sight is on the tour:  The Gdansk city tour and Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia in one day